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✞ Death walks among us. ✞
Sujet: ✞ Death walks among us. ✞
Mar 29 Mai - 16:44


  • Gabriel Reyes
  • 19 ans
  • 8ème année
  • Auror en devenir
  • Edgy boy
  • Latin au sang chaud

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Le pote collant: (0/...)

Tu as tes propres raisons pour coller Gabriel autant. Peut-être parce qu'une fois tu as eu la chance de le voir souriant et gentil avec toi et depuis tu as décidé de devenir son ami. Peut-être qu'il t'a sauvé de la galère quand y'avait personne d'autre. Peut-être juste parce qu'il a un boule légendaire. Mais être l'ami de Gabriel Reyes c'est aussi supporter ses humeurs souvent maussades. Mais toi tu sais que c'est qu'une façade et que c'est un gros nounours. Alors tu le colles souvent. Ca a l'air de le faire chier. Mais au fond tu sais qu'il aime bien ça.

NOTICE ME SENPAI!!!! (1/1) : (Pris par Jesse Mccree)

Un jour, alors que tu étais certainement dans la PIRE galère de toute ta vie, Gabriel est arrivé tel un ange à ta rescousse. Tu ne sais pas pourquoi il a fait ça. Et lui non plus d'ailleurs. Mais depuis il a ce lien fort qui vous unit du senpai/kohai. Ou papa/enfant. Mais il reste pour vous, la vision même d'un modèle.

Je sais qui tu es (0/1) :

Par une coïncidence, parce que tu l'as espionné ou parce que t'es un sacré hacker/stalker, tu as découvert le compte A03 où Gabriel poste plein de ses fanfictions bien trop cheesy et parfois ultra gay pour ce gros ours aux muscles d'acier. A toi de voir comment tu utilises cette information. Sois tu adores ce qu'il fait, sois tu trouves ça ridicule mais ça fait un bon moyen de pression.

Crush (1/1) : (pris par Jack Morrison)

Gabe a eu un crush sur toi. TU LE SAIS. Tu l'as vu dans ses yeux. Un jour il t'a même proposé d'être son ou sa cavalière. Que tu aies accepté ou pas, tu as été son crush. Mais il a grandi depuis. Est-ce que le crush est toujours d'actualité? Va savoir. (Gabriel a un faible pour les blonds aux yeux bleus, juste in case you know.)

OUILLE ça brûle (0/...):

Il t'insupporte. Le gars impassible qui a l'air d'avoir autant d’émotions que Robocop et en plus de ça il est bon dans tout ce qu'il entreprend. En tout cas de ce que tu vois. Peut-être même qu'il t'a bien clashé. Et t'as pas aimé. Il doit bien avoir une faille, un truc gênant à propos de lui, histoire que tu rassures ton égo maltraité.....alors tu vas fouiner jusqu'à trouver. Et tu comptes bien vaincre ce Boss final de la stoïcisme.

La familia (5/...):

Ensemble vous parlez espagnol, vous vivez l'espagnol, vous BITCHEZ ESPAGNOL. Et vous n'êtes pas seuls. Vous êtes même un groupe de latinos! Une vraie famille. Et comme dans toutes les familles, il y a des hauts et des bas. Mais dans cette histoire, vous avez tous fini par découvrir un peu tard que Gabriel est le genre à te balancer la chancla à la gueule dès que vous faites une bêtise. Et le pire c'est qu'il a du flair....mais vous l'aimez. Parce qu'au fond vous vous sentez protégé auprès de Gabe et vous savez qu'il saura toujours vous aider ou vous écouter d'une oreille attentive au moindre problème. La famille c'est sacré.
Sujet: Re: ✞ Death walks among us. ✞
Mar 29 Mai - 16:47




Alors que c'est au coin d'un couloir que la rencontre s'est faite, depuis le petit cow-boy le suit comme un petit poussin absolument partout. Il a même fini par être son mentor, une figure maternelle pour lui et au fond....ça ne déplaît pas à Gabe qui manque terriblement d'une famille. Mais malgré ça, les choses ne sont pas toutes roses. Effectivement, Jesse s'est fait mordre par un loup-garou sous les yeux de Gabriel et depuis....Gabriel s'en veut. De ne pas l'avoir sauvé à temps. Qu'il soit devenu....un monstre. Et même leur amitié n'en est restée que plus forte, ils ne parlent jamais de la malédiction de Jesse et Gabe l'évite énormément les jours précédents la Pleine Lune.
short description or quote or whatever tf


You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf


You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

Sujet: Re: ✞ Death walks among us. ✞
Mar 29 Mai - 16:49


short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

Sujet: Re: ✞ Death walks among us. ✞
Mar 26 Juin - 20:21


short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

Sujet: Re: ✞ Death walks among us. ✞
Mar 26 Juin - 20:22


short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

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Sujet: Re: ✞ Death walks among us. ✞
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